Ramsgate Creative Sector Research F.A.Q.s
2 July 2019
Frequently asked questions regarding the Ramsgate Creative Sector Research
What’s this research all about?
We want to make sure that Ramsgate is well and truly on the map of creative hubs for funders, investors, visitors, customers and local and national decision makers. This will help local creative people to be in a better position to apply for funding, network with others and enable the sector to thrive.
What are you trying to find out?
We’re trying to work out how many people live in Ramsgate and work in the creative industries, and how many creative businesses there are [large & small] in Ramsgate. We also want people’s help to try to describe what the Ramsgate USP or strapline is for the creative sector if there is one and to work how much demand there is for studio, performance, workshop and other space.
What do you mean by “creative Industries”?
We’re taking a very broad view of this based on the Department of Culture Media & Sport’s definition. It includes;
- Advertising and marketing
- Architecture
- Crafts
- Design: product, graphic and fashion design
- Film, TV, video, radio and photography
- IT, software and computer services
- Publishing
- Museums, galleries and libraries
- Music, performing and visual arts
If you consider yourself to be in the creative sector but don’t think you fit on this list, we still want to hear from you.
Hasn’t this already been done?
Not in Ramsgate! There has been some research across Thanet to understand the impact of Turner Contemporary and the Margate Arts Creative Heritage Project but nothing specifically about Ramsgate. We think that Ramsgate’s creative sector is now important enough in its own right to mean that this work is now necessary.
How can I get involved?
We want people to take part in surveys, 1-2-1 interviews, and to connect with us via social media. We will also hold a number of events in Ramsgate. We need as many people as possible to take part to make this work. To get involved, you can sign up at https://heritagelab.org.uk/join/You can also follow the work via twitter at heritage_lab or email us at [email protected]
Who is this aimed at?
The more people that take part- the better the work will be, and the greater the impact will be on developing the creative sector in Ramsgate. We want to reach to as many people as we can in Ramsgate who work in the sector. Don’t leave it to someone else…we need everyone to join in.
What will happen as a result of the project?
The report and information we produce will help anyone thinking of applying for grant funding, investment or support by being able to demonstrate to funders the importance of the sector here. In other words- it will help to make it clear that Ramsgate is worth supporting. It will also be useful for investors, and government agencies that will better be able to target their investment by understanding what’s going on in Ramsgate.
Who is leading the work?
This is a Heritage Lab project which is being led by Gillian Youngs, Professor of Creative and Digital Economy, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and University Lead on Arts, Culture and Creative Industries from Canterbury Christ Church University. This is being supported by a number of local organisations.
How is this funded?
This project is being funded by grants from Arts Council England & Locate in Kent
Why are you doing this?
We want to make a difference to the creative sector in Ramsgate. We believe that there are great things going on in the town and that by shining a light on what is going on we can make things easier for the sector to thrive.
Why is this only focused on Ramsgate and not Thanet as a whole?
Previous research conducted in 2017 focused on Thanet. The South East Economic Partnership has identified Ramsgate as a potential creative Hub but there is little data about the sector locally. If we are able to better quantify the size and scope of the sector locally, it should make it easier for local people to apply for funding and for funders to target their investment.
How does this link with other work?
Heritage Lab intends to link this work to our ambition to turn our local heritage assets into “curiously creative spaces”. It will also support the South East Local Economic Partnership’s work tocontribute to the development of the Thames Estuary area as Europe’s largest creative corridor, making it a world-leading location for creative and cultural industries, and drive further investment in the area through Locate in Kent.
How can I find out more?
There is more information about the project at https://heritagelab.org.uk/ramsgates-creative-economy-research-brief/.